Monday, December 13, 2010


a video produced by notorious filmer - James James.  The video was premiered last Friday night thanks to Jimmys skate and street and his fellow homies for letting us use their warehouse to hold the event! 

The introduction to the video was almost overwhelming with an epic tune and cinemaphotography to match,  all eyes in the room were glued.  After the titles fade George GG Simmons is credited with the opening part no less worthy of ender, Georges solid yet effortless style is of a professional standard and his switch heels bring all the boys to the yard.  Moey was next - I can assure you if Moey was a professional skateboarder he would no doubt be in your top 5 favourite skaters of all time, he preforms aswell infront of the camera as he does behind and thats certainly saying something.  Melbourne larkers - raddness from all the spotlight skaters blended with a beat from CUBE - shit was tight.  James James also falls into the moey category being able to shred equally infront and behind the lense, Wild Thing blarring - kickflip to crook variations and no ollie too big James held down a solid part.  Hobart Homies was a favourite section bringing the good time vibes and lost memories and on that note - Techincal Toni is the most underrated skateboarder ever.  Last part was rightfully given to Babeh the bestmen - Babehs casual outlook of life is portrayed through his skating,  the greatest thing about Babehs skating is he doesnt learn tricks - he does tricks.  It comes all too easy for this guy and to be honest I think everyone was a little shocked with the footage they were seeing as Babeh is rarely seen skating but always leaning against the back wall at the park sparking a ciggarette and talking crime.  The credits roll and everyone cheers and watch a whole bunch of hi jinx and throw aways which grow longer than the video itself.  I give the video 5 spuds and must buy.

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