Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This Carbonara recipe is extremely - easy, tasty & affordable!
This meal is for 2 and should take between 15-20 mins


Boil a pot of water & place your fettuccine to cook

Slice and Dice your - Bacon, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and onion

Place the diced bacon in firstly - give this 3-4 mins before adding your onion - once browned add the cherry tomatoes

By now your pasta should be ready and drained - add this once you feel the bacon, onions and tomatoes are cooked

Now add a handful of spinach - remember spinach shrinks rapidly & the trick is to toss and turn regularly  so the spinach doesn't burn on the bottom

once the spinach is blended add the thickened cream, less is more - you don't want this dish having too much excess sauce, sprinkle pepper for a kick and a brown tint

Serve with a Merlot or Boags XXXX ale - she good.

- Enjoy! 

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