Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Yesterday was a day full kick outs and driving - We missioned back to the Junk Yard spot to permanently cement in the rail and dig out the landing but after only a few minutes of shovelling we got a friendly reminder that the land was in-fact private.  After a couple hours of driving around mindlessly we finally decided on Nut Grove beach front ledge, which GG and myself built 4 years prior (still standing!) So hopefully we can get some more stuff happening up there.

George Simmonds - Bs Tail slide Fs Shuvit

After Sessioning the ledge we headed up to the Basketball courts to film a little Rat Times skit (soon to be seen) and ended up building a huge 90's style kicker - I couldn't get a legit shot of Hilsy's mega ollie but I tried.

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