Monday, August 8, 2011


Tuesday Afternoon Tickle with the Anchor Steam!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Brewery: Anchor Steam Brewing Co. "Anchor Steam Beer" 
Make: Amber Beer
Volume: 4.8%
Per unit: £2.80

Roped in.

The Anchor was dropped into my stomach bay. It didn't take me long to get stuck into this beauty. Nice colour (unhealthy urine colour), Amber with a good head. I got a good malty sniff and rich flavours run all the way down stream. The West Coast of America has some fantastic waters and it blatantly shows with this beer. 

The Anchor Steam Beer delivers a nice change from the usual mix of brews. It's clean and is well thought of – during the brewing process. It's nice and balanced and isn't too overpowering with insane and odd flavours. 

Even thought it's a average percentage beer, it's more of the quality that plays with the intoxication. I believe this. A little bit of wisdom: If you have good drugs, you'll have a good high; if you have shit drugs, then you'll have a shit high (and come downs). I think this is pretty standard thinking. Anyway, as for this beer, it's a good beer, so the drunken value that I get from this is a good high. Here I go back to the brewing process: it's well considered and gives you a good sitting.

This beer would be perfect for a crew to get started on, on a night out. Or for someone who's trying to impress a lady (who likes beer, and she should, then she's worth it) but not be a wanker and pull out a £50.00 fucking bottle of champagne beer… absurd. But to be quaint, keep things simple and drink maybe four each. This is quality. And both parties will be happy with the result. 

The beer gets better as you dive further in. Quality, not Quantity people! Unless it's your birthday. Then anything is acceptable.  

The presentation of the beer is humble and good. I love the way it stood out from the shelf without being too poignant or extravagant. It's a good label and looks like a tattoo. Well, actually a beer label, but would look cool if you were the brewer or someone who devoted their time in this company to get it tattooed.

Intoxicationator: is a good number and it's not too expensive.

Dangerscale: 60/100

"Worth the time in spending your dime."

Song Listened too whilst consumed: "Smasher"Top Billin Remix

Enjoy Responsibly (or not). 

Lore Danger,  2nd August, 2011


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