Sunday, May 22, 2011


The drawing begins tomorrow!  

I think there is a bit of confusion to what is actually going on with the competition - 
Basically the goal is to get everyone drawing on a daily basis by using the letters A - Z as an ideas reference.  So tomorrow (Monday 23rd) the letter is - A - I have drawn an arrow

you can draw an Apple, Aeroplane, Al Pacino someone with a lard Ass.. anything in relation to the letter A

On Tuesday we move to B, Wednesday C, Thursday D etc

You do not have to enter daily - A bit much to ask, you can pick your favourite letters and there is no limit to how many drawings you enter!

take a picture or scan in your drawings and post them up on the WETHELOONS facebook page and we will upload them daily, have fun!!!!

Late subscriptions will be accepted & Prizes are still to be announced.

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